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Thu Jan 01 1970

1 min read - All results collected in one place

As a visitor to, I will assume that you have an above average interest in running and that you may have already signed up for a race or are considering doing so. As a keen runner, you may also be a little extra interested in sports? Of course, you follow how things are going with friends or neighbors in local events, how Jakob Ingebrigtsen or Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal do in the major championships, you might have one favorite football team and you like to follow NRK's ​​winter sports broadcasts?

We at are a newly started website that collects results from many different sports on a place. Instead of looking around to find results from running, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, cycling, ice hockey, jumping, football etc. At Sportsidioten, we try to make it easier for you to keep track of everything that happens in sports the world.

We were started by Sports Idiots for Sports Idiots!

Take a trip to and keep up to date at local, national and international sports events in running and many other sports!

Øyvind Moen Fjeld
Sports idiot and editor