Garageløb Morud #41
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Garageløb Morud #41
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21.1, 42.2 Km
Morud, Fyn, Denmark

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Información clave
Ruta de carrera
21.1, 42.2 Km
0, 0 m
Asfalto, Grava
Åbakkevænget 16
Garageløb Morud
Para corredores
60 DKK
Fire evening run at Garageløb Morud at 16.30
We start from Åbakkevænget 16 and run a 7.1 route.
There is a participation fee incl. medal and diploma.
Registration takes place on mobilepay 7289LG and costs a standard DKK 60 unless otherwise stated during the individual race.
Remember to enter the date of the race.
We always want to hold a marathon as a starting point, but since we don't have any marathon runners ourselves, it requires you to help find 2-3 friends so that it can count .
Garageløb Morud #41
0.0 - (0)
1 corredor de RunAgain participar
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