Neste Löp can help you increase your registration!

Getting enough entries for a race can be a nerve-wracking affair for the organiser, and after covid many are reporting that people seem to be waiting longer than normal before signing up.

This is where Neste Löp can help!

What is the Next Race?

Neste Løp is the meeting place for runners and organizers. Our platform makes it possible for both runners and organizers to meet to find, order and evaluate all races.

Neste Løp invites you and your race to become our partner race!

What does that mean? Here you can read more: Our platform facilitates runners and organizers to meet to find, order and evaluate absolutely all of our 1200 races!

Recommended by other organizers

SpareBank 1 SMN Trondheim Marathon is one of our partner races, this is what the general manager says about our cooperation:

– Nestelø is helping to get race events out to the public. They are good at marketing the events in a popular and nice way through social media. We hope and believe that nestlø can become a natural meeting place for people interested in running in the future.

SMN TM would like to help more people open their eyes to the possibilities by, among other things, creating a profile to be able to collect their favorite races in Norway.

Not done this?
- do it… now!

Morten Rasch Eliassen
Leader Sparebank1 SMN Trondheim Marathon

Good numbers, more runners

In April we had 150,000 views in Google search, which brought 8,230 new visitors to our site. These runners are looking for their next race, it could be your event of choice!

Enter your contact info here: and we'll take you further!