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Ine Kristin Engbakken

Thu Jan 01 1970

4 min read

My next goal part 2

The road to the OBOS Fornebu Run part 2 - First meeting with coach and threshold test

On Wednesday, March 22nd, it was time to meet my new coach, Ingrid Kristiansen.

A little nervous, I stepped up to her door, ready for our first meeting. Behind the door was a big smile that warmly welcomed me! This was my first meeting with both Ingrid and the threshold test. Maybe you're curious about what a threshold test is?

Excerpt from

"The threshold test is a test for those who want to assess their endurance. It is beneficial to know your threshold heart rate and threshold pace in order to get the best possible benefit from your training. This test is suitable for all runners, regardless of level and goal.

The tests are standardized, and you will receive personal feedback as well as suggestions for further training toward your goals. We measure threshold pace and pulse without measuring the lactate value (lactic acid value), which means that we do not use any other "tool" than pulse. This is by no means a scary test, it is like a good training session with personal follow-up along the way."

And I can confirm that this was not a scary test at all, even though I felt a little nervous before the test (whether it was for the test itself or for running in front of a world champion, I am somewhat unsure).

Before we conducted the test, we had a conversation where Ingrid mapped out my training background, my goals, and took me through the schedule for the test. This was a nice and reassuring conversation. Ingrid has a down-to-earth approach and a great training philosophy that I can relate to. "The most important thing is to have fun. You should own your training and not the other way around."

We then conducted the threshold test, and this was very educational! It was a bit challenging, but it was a lot of fun to find my threshold pace and heart rate. This will make my training much better going forward, as I actually know what I should aim for and how to relate to it. The threshold test was a good training session, and it suited me perfectly that day, as I did not have time for a separate training session. Win-win.

After the test was completed, we went through the results and saw where I stood. We also talked about the road ahead towards the Fornebu race (triple) and how Ingrid was going to create a plan for me. I really liked the structure and content of the sessions she presented for me. The plan is to take my running to the next level, something I have had difficulties doing on my own. Ingrid also emphasized that there should be room for changes and that other things in life can come up - then the training should be adjusted accordingly. Not least, everything is connected; sleep, nutrition, work situation, etc.

I also have some sub-goals along the way before the Fornebu race on May 24th. Among other things, participation in several races; Drammen 10k (done), 10km in Magaluf, a relay during the Bergen City Marathon, Jentejoggen (Lillestrøm), and Göteborgsvarvet. She arranged this nicely in my program.

Another reassurance is that I have Ingrid on my left arm along the way (the Garmin watch), so that she follows me up (or watches over me, as she called it), and can see how I am doing. Whether I am good at staying in the different pulse zones and not going out too hard where I should not. "Yes, because if you go out too hard, you will get scolded by me," she says while laughing. I'm probably not hurt by a little scolding, but I'll do my best to stick to the plan and have good, sensible running sessions. And have FUN, most importantly!

I think both the easy and harder sessions can be challenging in their own way. It's quite typical to go too hard on the easy ones. Then there are the threshold sessions / long interval runs where I already know that I'm bad at pushing myself. But as Ingrid said; it's better to run a little slower and run the whole way.

I'm excited and pumped for the road ahead! Not least, I am incredibly happy and grateful for the opportunity to be followed up by Ingrid towards the Fornebu Triple on May 24th! I am absorbing all the knowledge and looking forward to the upcoming running sessions. Hope to see you on May 24th! You can check out the event


- Ine Kristin