5800 Cannonball - pop-up

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5800 Cannonball - pop-up

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21.1, 14, 7 Km


Nyborg, Fyn, Denmark

Bannerbilde for lรธpet
See all 1

Key Information


21.1, 14, 7 Km

0, 0, 0 m

Asphalt, Gravel




5800 Cannonball

For runners


50 DKK


Half marathons and laps are run.

We run from Skaboeshusevej 96, 5800 Nyborg.

There are no toilets or changing rooms.

There is no deposit and the medals are leftover medals from previous races.

Price DKK 50 -

Registration on mobile pay-box: 7205UY

Write your full name, distance and race date in the comment field.


In the event of cancellation, the entry fee will be refunded.

If you are prevented from participating, you are welcome to sell your starting number on, you just need to give the information to the organizer.

It is run according to club 100 rules, i.e. . no auto-stop on the clock.

Start list is continuously updated on the Facebook page, just as diplomas are also posted on the page.


The race is run on public roads and climbs so the general traffic rules apply.

The race is run at your own risk.

Keep an eye out for any route changes or other info on 5800 Cannonball on Facebook.

By further questions, I can be contacted on 22570950.

By signing up, you agree to photos being taken of you which are shared on 5800 Cannonball's Facebook page and on photographer Ninett lykkegaard's Facebook page: NL Foto.

5800 Cannonball - pop-up โ€“ 5800 Cannonball - pop-up

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RunAgain AS presents the information available from the races' own pages and therefore takes no responsibility for any errors.