HCBM - Fraugde/Allerup

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HCBM - Fraugde/Allerup

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21.1, 42.2 Km


Odense SØ, Fyn, Denmark

Bannerbilde for løpet
See all 1

Key Information


21.1, 42.2 Km

0, 0 m

Asphalt, Trail


P-plads v. Fraugdevej 69, 5220 Odense SØ


Jeanett Bonde Jørgensen, Dorthe Roslev, Christian Syversen

For runners


60 DKK


Hollufgård Cannonball Marathon (HCBM) is a race with a good mood and a high ceiling.

With Hollufgård near Odense as our base, we organize races in several places on Funen.

You should not expect to be able to set PR on our routes, but to on the other hand, we will make sure that you get a really good experience with you home.

Location: Fraugde Kirke, Fraugdevej 69, 5220 Odense SØ

Distances: Half and full marathon

Price: DKK 60 (same price for both distances).

Depot: Water (remember your own cup or bottle and other refreshments).

Registration: Payment via MobilePay - BOX: 4561AC (Write: Date, distance and name)

Start time: at 9:00

Other: There is a medal for everyone who completes their distance.

Contact: christian@syversen.dk - phone +4531186048

HCBM - Fraugde/Allerup

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