Haverslev Byfestløb
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Haverslev Byfestløb
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21.1, 10.6, 5.3, 1.6 Km
Haverslev, Nordjylland, Denmark

See all 1
17.30 (Early start at 17.15) Start half marathon
18.00 Start Children's run – One mile (1.6 km)
18.30 Start 5.3 km and 10.6 km
The route: \ n The race is a round race that is run in and around the city of Haverslev. Each lap is 5.3 km (half marathon = 4 laps and 10 km = 2 laps). One and the other way around is run alternately.
Running according to the Cannonball principle. The runners themselves are responsible for registering on arrival, just as you are responsible for registering your time immediately after the race.
Start list and results list:
The start list is continuously updated on "Run For Fun"'s Facebook and "runagain. com"
Start list:
Karsten Skriver (early start)
Klavs Pedersen
Erik Valbjørn
Søren Lykke Stubben
Per Bach Poulsen
Torben Munksgaard
Jens Chr. Damhus
Gitte Høyer
Kim Nielsen
Stefan Larsen
Hans Schack
Mette E Nielsen
Peter H Nielsen
Kim Pelo (early start)
Mads Hartvigsen (early start)
Results list can be seen at https://8464cannonball.dk/452106395
There is the option of changing and showering.
Half marathon - DKK. NOK 75 The price includes Medal, diploma, catering with water, cola, sweets, chips, fruit, and after the race there is a beer/water and sausage with bread - and coffee and cake 😊
10.6 km - DKK. NOK 25. The price includes Depot, juice/coffee and cake. Medal can be purchased additionally (DKK 25)
5.3 km – DKK. NOK 20. The price includes Juice/coffee and cake. Medal can be purchased additionally (DKK 25)
One mile – Free – Incl. Medal and juice
Medals for all children at 5.3 km and 10.6 km.
5.3 km and 10.6 km – at the start
(Additional purchase of medal, DKK 25. – MobilePay 0464WC ”Haverslev Byfestløb”)
Half marathon - MobilePay 0464WC ”Haverslev Byfestløb”)
Starting place:
Haverslev Hallen, Standevejen 21, Haverslev, 9610 Nørager
If there need further info, contact Joan Straarup – 6130 1277
We look forward to seeing you 😊 - Regards Run for Fun, Haverslev IF
Haverslev Byfestløb
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RunAgain AS presents the information available from the races' own pages and therefore takes no responsibility for any errors.