Thu Oct 17 2019
3 min read
Ryfast run
Ryfastløpet 2019 – det første og eneste noensinne – gikk av stabelen lørdag 5. oktober, med undertegende på startstreken.
Although registration for this historic half-marathon opened already at the beginning of the year, it was not before too a few weeks ago I signed up - after being lucky enough to get a place through one of the race's sponsors. I have to admit that I was probably a little skeptical in advance considering the two steep downhills, as well as some terrifying counterhills of a total of 7 km, and didn't really know what I was going for.
I also had no idea what speed I should set myself at, but taking into account that I will be running two marathons at three weeks in November, as well as squeezing in a half-marathon in between the two, I found that it was just as well to be sensible throughout The Ryfast tunnel.
The organizer could hardly have asked for better conditions, even if the weather had had no practical significance anyway the runners. We were guaranteed 12 degrees and constantly calm, only interrupted by a few hundred meters in the open air in between the two tunnels. Brilliant sun and a cluster of spectators along both sides of the road met us when we came out of the first tunnel after have released us loosely first 96 meters of height down and then three equivalent 96 meters up again. Decent goosebumps.
It was perhaps a minute under the open sky, before the trip continued downwards again. 10 lovely, slightly descending kilometer, to 292 meters below sea level. Bright and nice and for a stretch we almost felt like we were running through Dovregubben's hall, or perhaps the memory all about an igloo. Anyway – it really is one of the nicest miles I've run, and sensible as I am was, I managed to keep the pace "down". Around 5.00 per km was the average speed for the 10 km going downhill, including a couple of short stops for to take pictures and film a bit.
Well down, almost 300 meters below sea level, a 500-600 meter long plain followed. It was a nice warm-up the last part of the race,4 km straight road straight up. 292 meters of altitude at 4,000 meters is not for the faint of heart, and I admit Glad I thought to find my own strategy; walk 1 min, run 4 min and so on. But - the stubbornness took over and gradually the kilometers were passed and the "light in the tunnel" approached, it became a competition with myself to keep my legs walking. When I look back in the km time, this was around 6.30, and that is, according to my terms, not too bad.
The intention of the race was to get a good distance session, and I got that. The finishing time of 1.55 will go down in history as mine third weakest half marathon, only "beaten" by number 1 and 2 of the 23 half marathons I've run since 2010.
It is almost a shame that there will be no next race or next time for this Ryfast party - I will therefore enjoy the good experience, and hope the other 5,800 who took part are left with the same feeling - it is I am completely convinced that they do. During just under an hour in the target area, at least I didn't manage to see any sad faces, just lots of smiles and a share tired legs.
There is always light at the end of the tunnel.