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14. Hals Barre Marathon

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14. Hals Barre Marathon

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42.2, 21.1 km


Hals, Nordjylland, Denmark

Bannerbilde for løpet
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Key Information


42.2, 21.1 km

2, 2 m

Asphalt, Gravel, Grass


Havnen 11, 9370 Hals


Drink stations



Bjarne Jensen og Tove Borg

For runners


100 DKK


Take part in the 14th and last edition of the Hals Barre Marathon on Saturday 4 November 2023 from the harbor in Hals.

In the future, we would like to encourage you to support the Cancer Society's Pink Saturday event at the beginning of October.

Since Bjarne here in autumn 2023 can celebrate 25 years as a marathon runner and also expects to run his 500th marathon on the day, we hope to see a lot of our running friends on November 4.

On the occasion of this day, 2 marathon starts will be made. A start at 9.30 where Bjarne starts. Is only for runners who expect to spend over or around 4 hours and 30 minutes. Subsequent start at 10.00 for marathon half-marathon.

Start place: Hals Bådelaug clubhouse, Havnen 11, 9370 Hals at 9.30 and at 10.00.

Distances: Marathon and half marathon with 6/3 laps of 7.04 km. There is no DAF-measured distance or chip timing.

Route description: The run is flat, yet varied. You run along the pavement and cycle path through the forest and cottage area along the sea and the fjord on a path with varied surfaces (asphalt, gravel, forest path and sand) and back to Hals og Hals havn. ) as well as luggage storage. There are good toilet facilities.

A medal will be awarded to everyone who completes the marathon and half marathon.

Registration opens on 1 August 2023 and ends on 30 October 2023.

Registration by email to Subsequently, payment terms will be sent. Payment can be made with MobilPay 21284302.

Fee: Marathon DKK 100, Half Marathon DKK 100.

A maximum of 140 runners can participate, including 70 in the half marathon.

Catering: There is a main debate at the start/finish with water, juice, cola, candy, chocolate and banana. Midway there is a drink depot.

Results list and diploma will be sent by email.

Participant list, results list and diploma are published at

The race is run according to Klub 100 Marathon race criteria.

Other remarks: You run at your own risk. There are good parking options at Hals harbour. Relatives, spectators and runners have the opportunity to use the Hals Bådelaug clubhouse. There will be something to eat and drink for runners and relatives.

Please note that our race is not intended to make a profit.

Kind regards, the organizers

Tove Borg and Bjarne Jensen

List of results:

Marathon start at 1 a.m. 09:30:

Bjarne Jensen: 4.30.53

Henrik Lund: 4.43.22

Janet Lund: 4.16.09

Finn Sørensen: 3.28.15

Claus Sørensen: DNS

Benny Bull: 4.32.12

Martin Thomsen: 4.31.00

Karl Andersen: 4.31.00

Miriam Bierbaum: 4.44.26

Claus Søndermølle: 4.31.00

Torben Jensen: 4.30.55

Henrik Bøjer Madsen: 4.34.35\ n Thomas Mørch: 4.30.58

Hans Nielsen: 5.27.45

Flemming Bach M. L.: DNF

Rene Randrup: 4.30.56

Kim Andersen: 4.39.12

Claus Andersen: 4.39.13

Thomas Pedersen : 4.31.00

Puk Jensen: 4.35.02

Kristine K. Schmelling: 4.43.55

Hans Balle: 4.32.14

Jens Jørgen Jensen: DNS

Niels Chr. Nielsen: 4.31.00

Jesper Kappelgaard: 4.32.00

Bjarne Lund: 4.43.22

Bo Stenvang: 4.40.54

Tinna Lilletvedt: 4.22.58

Pia Marcussen: 4.43.55

Bente Morild: DNS

Maria Hedegaard: 4.43.55

Allan Saaby: 4.30.56

Marathon start at 2 p.m. 10:00:

Bruno Batsberg: 3.16.17

Kristoffer Rodkjær: 4.00.49

Bent Brian Andreasen: 3.29.42

Michael Rank: 3.37.47

Per Falgren: 3.39.47

Kim Meldgaard: 3.36.23

Sten Christensen: 4.34.57

Lars Rasmussen: 3.39.28

Frank Elnef: DNS

Magnus Schmidt: 4.10.36

Søren Lykke: 4.01.01

Annette Christensen: 4.00.53\ n Stefan Larsen: 4.00.56

Torben Munksgaard: 4.00.58

Troels Jensen: 3.52.18

David Nordstrøm: 4.00.21

Lars Bo Christiansen: 3.13.08

Jørgen Jacobsen: 3.48.52

Lars Degn: 3.52.39

Jakob Diget: 4.40.19

Tina Leifsgård: 3.53.39

Christoffer B B Sørensen: DNS

Troels Nielsen: 4.14.00

Half marathon start at 10:00:

Annemette Neve: DNF

Maria Paaske: DNS

Tanja Bach Sørensen: 2.15.19

Sofie Bøgeskov Jakobsen: 2.20.33

Anja Wiebensen: 1.51.33

Preben Nielsen: 2.23.17

Majbrit Ravnsbeck: DNF

Ole Kristensen: 2.25.48

Rene Falgren: 1.58.18

Lene Ladekjær: 1.51.33

Lisbeth Bertelsen: 2.52.57

Josefine Bertelsen: 2.15.26

Ann Rodkjær : 1.51.15

Dennis Justesen: 1.52.53

Linda Andreasen: 2.05.52

Kasper Jensen Lorentsen: 2.09.36

Carsten Dam: 1.58.49

Louise Lund Nielsen: 2.44.30

Anders Røge : 2.01.01

Michael Holm: 2.01.10

Johnny W Andersen: 1.50.16

Dorthe Handberg S.: 2.22.44

Michael Olsen: 2.19.46

Charlotte H. Kristensen: 2.23.20\ n Morten Hyllested: 2.19.50

Søren Røge: 1.55.36

Andreas Thorning: 1.27.23

Morten Bøgsted: 1.48.31

Frederik Pedersen: 2.08.30

Jesper Klysner: 2.50.11 (28, 5 km)

Claus Møller: 1.59.50

Mads Schmidt: 1.49.37

Søren Sørensen: 1.59.17

Jens Kragh: 1.51.58

Ida Hunderup: 1.45.10

Jørgen Holst: 1.58. 15

Kaj B Hunderup: 2.28.43

Lotte Bisgaard: 1.51.33

Eva Linnæs: DNS

Liam Linnæs: DNS

Frederik Krabbe: DNS

Simon Persson: 2.10.29

Trine Bøddiker: DNF

Helene Pihl Badsberg: 1.54.23

Mette Lykkegaard: 2.08.57

Mads Hartvigsen: 2.24.18

Tom Sand Egeskov: 2.12.50

Mie Hjul: 2.23.48

Peter Jakobsen: 2.05.58

Romania Kristensen: 2.08.52

Anette Bloch Sørensen: 1.56.01

Vibeke Norvin: 1.58.49

Niels Mose: 1.58.49

Kim Pelo: 3.23.20

Rico Ejersted: 2.20.37\ n Camilla Ejersted: 2.20.37

Betina Amdisen: 2.14.29

Lone Ringgaard: 1.59.17

Jantsje Torensma: 2.22.44

Thomas Christiansen: 2.03.41

Kamilla Thomsen: DNS

Finn Andersen: 2.25.48

Nicolai Almschou: 2.15.26

Poul Erik Petersen: 2.50.12

Race location

14. Hals Barre Marathon

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